Thursday 17 November 2011

Main Task - Example Questionnaire

Okay, now that I have my questionnaire complete, I am going to use an example of one of the questionnaires I recieved of one of the audience for my new music magazine. The red text indicates the example's answers.


1)      What type of music genre do you like? (Please state below)
                Pop, Dance

2)      How often do you buy a music magazine? (Please circle your answer)

Once a week         Once a month     More than twice a week       More than twice a month                   Never

3)      What are your favourite types of bands/ who are your favourite artists?
Rhianna, Example

4)      Why do you buy music magazine? (Please state below)

I buy music magazines because I enjoy looking at all of the features articles and pictures.

5)      How much money would you spend on a music magazine? (Please circle below)

Less than £1     £1 - £2     £2.01 - £2.99    £3 or more

6)      What do you think makes a great music magazine? (Please state below)

Lots of images and featured articles.

7)      Do you like having incentives such as free gifts in magazines? If yes or no, please say why?

Yes, I like incentives in magazines, because they make me want to buy the magazine again.

8)      What do you like to see in a magazine? I.e. certain articles, the layout, role models/idols etc. (Please state below).

I like to see my idols and looking at what they have been up to. I also like looking at their images within the magazine.

9)      How long has it been since you have last bought a music magazine?
               Over a week ago.
      10)    Do you prefer the newer music magazines, or the older magazine companies the most and why?

                Older as they tend to have more experience in the music magazine industry.

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