Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Main Task - Article Research

I have had a quick look at some professional articles and how they are layed out. Here, I am going to use just one example of a professional magazine. What I really like about this article, is that the image of Madonna on the left hand side shows that she is a wild and free spirit when it comes to parties and music. I also love how the article is layed out, with a huge title in light blue at the top, and then you've got that dark, bold text which is on top of the white background.

This is the link of the blog account where I found this article: http://anishapatelx.blogspot.com/2011/02/analyses-of-music-article.html

Main Task - Production of D.P.S

In this blog post, I will show you the final plan of what my D.P.S ( double page spread ) is going to look like. Now this is still a rough idea of what I want it to look like, but I will consider this as a guideline. This is so that if there are any altercations, I will be able to change a part of the D.P.S.

This is the rough layout for my D.P.S. I think that it's a simple layout for a D.P.S, however, I think that if I spend the right amount of time on it, it will look really good.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Main Task - Publication Plan

In this blog post, it is going to be very similar to the initial ideas which I had made for my magazine. This will also include magazine names, who's going to be where, and what's going to be put into my magazine. The part is practically the same as my intial ideas.

Price - The final decisions for my magazine will be £1.50, this makes the magazine quite cheap to buy, but its not so cheap that it wont make any money. The barcode will be in the bottom right hand corner, so that it is out of the way.

Frequency of Publication -  I think that having regular magazines made weekly would be the best thing to do, because the readers dont have to wait ages untill the newer issue comes out.

Average Issue Size - I think that having a lot of pages would be better for the readers, because they wouldnt want to spend money on a few pages. I think that having around 70 - 100 pages would make the magazine worth the money quatinty wise.

Regular Content - The regular content which would star in my music magazine would contain the following:

 - The latest information / gossip about previous events. i.e stars etc.
 - Upcoming events
 - Latest Gigs
 - Competitions for the readers
 - Lots if text and images

Feature Articles - I will have a lot of featured articles within my new music magazine, however, too much of one thing would be boring. I would include articles about an artist's life story / bacground. For example, I would look at Wiz Khalifa's background from when he grew up, and how he became where he is now in the music industry.

Magazine Title Ideas - For this, I will have to think what name is going to stand out from other professional magazine names. For me personally, having the magazine title at the top of the magazine in big, bold writing would be the best position for a title. These are some of my ideas which I came up with for a hip hop magazine title:

- Breeze
- Fresh
- Hip Hop Mania
- Addiction
- Hip Hop Weekly
- Bass

I think that my final decision for my magazine title is that it will be called 'Fresh'. the reason why is because a lot of African American people use this term for something which relates to nice or stylish things.

Publication Plan

The magazine layout which I am going to stick with for my own magazine will be one of 'The Source' magazines. I will have the front cover, Two contents pages, and also a double page spread article which will have a different artist on each one.

This will be the example layout I will use for my magazine front cover. It will consist of the title at the top, just above the artist / band. A mast head will also be included just above the title. The image of the artist will be in the centre of the front cover. It will cover most of the page to make it appealing to the audeince. The name of the artist will also be on the page in big, appealing text. The website adress will also be on the page so that the readers will know how to look at the magazine online. There will also be some coverlines. These won't be there just to make up some room, but to also entice the reader to buy the magazine.

This is one of many contents pages by the ' Vibe' magazine company. What I love about this contents more than any other, is that the colour scheme is like in a slightly black and white effect, with a hint of a colour. In this contents page, the colours are blue and red, with the shades being grey - white. I also like the fact the the big ' V' in the background represents the magazine's name/ logo. I also love how they have three lines for the ' Contents' text. it is in big, bold writing, making it easy enough to read. In my magazine contents page, I will have have the first letter of the title put behind the image of one of the artists which will be featured in the next few pages. The features / contents will be at the side, in a smart / fancy text, making it look more interesting, but also appealing.

This will be double page sread layout for my music magazine. What I really like about this specific type of double page spread article, is that the background is all dark colours, and then the text is which and yellow. These factors help make the whole layout look really eye catching / appealing for the readers. I will have a big picture of an atrist / band on one page, whilst the other page will have a quote on one part of the page, an image on another, and the actual article at the bottom.

Main Task - Planning Production

In this blog post, I will be explaining what I my decisions are going to be for my music magazine. I need to look at other professional music magazines, so that I can get a rough idea of what my magazine is going to look like.

Decide on front cover images - For this part of my magazine, I have had a look at various hip hop / rap artists and other thigns which I would like to put on the front cover. I have decided that I want a medium - close up shot of the artist from the double page spread.

Contents page - For my contents page, I want to have the same artist as the artist on the front cover. I want once again, a medium - close up shot. However, it would look silly not to have a medium - far shot. This is so that we can get the full image of the artist.

I have made a rough sketch of both my front cover using the guidelines of other professional magazines.

Here is my rough sketch of my front cover magazine.

The next image of the rough sketch I made of my contents page following a 'Vibe' magazine contents page.

Write the coverlines -  I have written a few ideas out for the coverlines. Some of the cover lines I came up with might be on, others might not, as I don't want too many or too less on the page.

- I will make sure that on the front cover, I will have some featured artists on the page.
- Name of the star on the front page.
- Putting in a quote from the double page spread article which will entice the audience to read it.

For my article for my music magazine, I have decided that I am not going to do a 'question and answer' article, instead, I think that I am going to write an article of the success of the artist. I think that in my opinion, a lot of readers know very little about an artist's history and how they got to where they are know. For example, a lot of people know who Kanye West is, but not a lot of them know why he became a musician, and what made him do what he does best...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Main Task - Analysis of Double Page Spread Articles

Like the professional front cover and the contents page, I have done an analysis of a double page spread article of one of 'The Source' magazines. The article I have chosen is a perfect example of a double spread page, because a lot of double page spread articles consist of 3 columns per page. They normally tend to have questions within the columns. For example, a reporter would ask Gucci Main something which they would want to find out about him, something which he wouldn't normally talk about. This is what makes an article interesting, finding out personal things about idols / role models which you wouldn't normally know about him / her.

There is a pun which is used just above one of the main titles within the double spread page. (Who the @#$! is Gucci Poochie?). A pun is used as a joke or a punch line. For example, the pun is used here to make the artist feel unknown / no body knows him, when in fact he is a very successful artist. It is usually in a smaller text compared to the actual title, making it harder for the reader to read. This pun creates enigma for the audience and leaves them wanting to read on...

Notice how there are images of a hip hop arsitst on both pages. These images of the artists are there so that the reader / audience know who the article is written about. There is a quote used next to the side of Gucci Mane's body. This is used just to fill in the space within the picture. Also, if you have a look at Gucci Mane's dress code, it tells the reader automatically that he is a rapper. There is also a medium - close up shot taken, so the reader can see what he looks like.

The text used is the Arial font, which isn't really used that much in magazines, but the whole text is more or less written in this font, so it really doesn't matter. The article has three different colors within the text, which are black, red and white. The articles both have a drop word / drop words at the start of the article. A drop word is a word at the start of the article which takes up more than one line. For example here 'Industry', 'Prior' and  ' " We're " ' are the drop words. The drop words are normally used to split up the articles into different sections.  Notice how there is also an image breaking up the article on the page to the right. There is also some bright text also. This is used to help advertise their trade mark.

The first section of the article with Gucci Mane is an interview between him and a reporter / journalist. The questions are normally in a bolder text. This is so that the reader knows what questions are being answered. Also, the website address of the magazine company is always at the bottom. This makes it harder for the reader to look for. It helps advertise their website. The journalist will also have their name printed at the bottom of the article, this is used so that the reader knows who was asking the questions for the article. Towards the side of one of the articles, just under the title, there is a mini title which entices you to read on.

The second part of my analysis for a double page spread article which I am going to write about is from a music magazine called ' Q '. This specific article features Lily Allen, it describes her life and her career.

In this double page spread article, there is a massive image of Lily Allen. This is used to get the reader's attention, so that they will know immediately what the article is based on. The connotations here from this image are that she has dark eye shadow on, dark hair and dark clothes on. This represents her dark side in life.  The fact that she is wearing a red colored shirt shows that she is looking for attention, as it is the only actual color on the page, due to the fact that there is black and white all over the page.  In my opinion, I think that the way the title / quote and the colour scheme are both related makes me wonder if she actually does love being an attention seeker. The image it self is a medium close up shot, featuring most of her upper body.

The main title of this article is a quote she used to prove her innocence from being an attention seeker. However, there is also another side to her. What I mean by this is that the title says at the end that she’s just honest, but the there is only one image on the page, and it is big and powerful. This makes the entire article look really eye catching, because it makes the reader want to read on.

The layout of this magazine is simple and short. It consists of only four columns, but they are all very short. This makes that article look worth looking at, because not every reader will want to spend time reading a long, boring article. It makes a change to other magazine articles, which makes it more appealing in my eyes. Also there are three different types of colour schemes with in the text. These are black, white and red. The black text is the usual, boring, simple text used in nearly every article made in a magazine. This is mainly because the background will be a bright colour, like white.

The white text, which is the quote as the title, is on a black background. This makes the text look more appealing; which means that the audience will want to look at what the quote says.  The last colour scheme within the text is red. In the article, the red text is used when a name is being used. So for example, Lily Allen’s name is the prime example of this. 

The last and final analysis I am going to analyse is from a 'Kerrang' magazine. Now in this article, it is a band which is featured known world wide as 'Metallica'.

What I don't really like about this article, is that there is too many dark colours on the page. When I look at articles, I want them to look appealing and bright, other wise I won't really read the article. In this article, the colour scheme really does have the same relation to the rock band, as a lot of rock bands wear dark clothing. The dark clothing represents danger, because they are all wearing very dark clothing.

You can definitely tell that they are rock artists, as you can see that they all have long hair and big beards. The shot of the band is a medium close up shot; they are all looking at the camera / you. It makes you feel like you can relate to them, as they are directly looking at you.

There is a big quote which is used as the main title in this article. When you look at this quote, you will notice that there are three words which are in a bolder text than the rest of the text in the quote.  What I do like about this is that the quote is also written again behind the original quote, but in a really faded text, and that it’s in a bigger font too.

The whole layout of this article is quite good actually, because the background is grey, with black and white text all over the page. This does make a change from regular article layouts, as this magazine company has made an effort to make it look appealing to the audience.

The black text which is highlighted with white represents the questions with in the article. They stand out from the rest of the text because it’s bright and stands out from the rest of the page.  The small paragraphs consist of the questions which have been answered.  Unlike most articles, this particular layout isn’t set out as the rest. For example, one columns is a boxed off column, with a bright blue background. It makes a change from other magazine competitors and makes it stand out more. Also, the paragraphed columns have small pictures of the person answering the questions. This is to ensure that the reader knows who is speaking. Also, the text in bold shows the name of the speaker, just in case the reader doesn’t know who’s in the picture.

In the middle of the first page, there is kind of like a black banner with a small history of the band 'Metallica' shown. This stands out from the rest of the pages, because all you really see is a big black rectangular shape with white bold text.