Tuesday 7 February 2012

Preliminary Task - Final Images For Front Cover.

Final images for college magazine

I think that I chose this image in my contents page because, the newer students can get a feel of where they are and where they need to go. Being lost in a new place isnt always the best idea, but the fact that a map is included helps the students know where they're going. I didnt change the image in any way when i was sorting out what my contents page would look like, therefore, the image will remain the same.
I decided to use this image of the sporting achievements in my college magazine because i think that it is important to always show the previous achievements past and present students have done, which have influennced the students to perform. For example, there could be a frame of a professional basketball player on the wall, and all the other basketball players in the college would look up to that person, so that maybe one day they could be up there. The only thing I think I did to this image was to rotate the image, but im not sure.
It's alway important to show at least some of the subjects which people are eligable to take because toherwise, people wouldnt know what subjects you can or can't take. I think that when I was producing my magazine, I think that I would of rotated the image above so that people are able to properly see what the image is. Also, I would of shrunk the image, so that it would fit on the page properly.
This picture is in my contents page so thay students can se that we have an eating area. This enables students who dont want to go outside of the college to eat, to have a place where they can eat. This is also used as a popular social area, as the cafe contains sofa's and televisions everywhere!

I have decided to use this image of this person for my front cover background for my college magazine. I had to think of an image, where it could relate to the college. For example, if a college magazine has a dog on the front cover, then it wouldnt relate to the magazine, where as if i had a college student on the front cover, it would make sense. In terms of manipulating the image of the student, there isnt really anything i am going to change about him. I would place cover lines around him, but not to many as it would wreck the main feature's image (student).

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