Sunday 1 January 2012

Main Task - Video Responses

This is the first video response I got when I asked somebody about what type of music they like:

On the second video response I recorded, for some strange reason, it didn't record the sound, and I have no idea why. In this video, I shall use a type out, so that it is easy to understand what was said in the video. The questions from my questionnaire are the bits within the video below which I asked Max, however the blue text indicates extra parts I added in.. The text colored in red are the bits where I got Max to answer. The text in black


1)      What type of music genre do you like? 
               Hip Hop.

2)      How often do you buy a music magazine? 

Once a week         Once a month     More than twice a week       More than twice a month                   Never.
3)      What are your favourite types of bands/ who are your favourite artists?

               Erm, Lil' Wayne, Rick Ross.

4)      Why do you buy music magazine? ( Well we know you don't do you)

         No. I don't buy them.

5)      How much money would you spend on a music magazine? 

         I don't know. Two pounds?

6)      What do you think makes a great music magazine? 

         Dont know. 
7)   Do you like having incentives such as free gifts in magazines? If yes or no, please say why?

      Yes I do.

8)   What do you like to see in a magazine? (Do you like the articles, the layout, role models?)

       Yeah I do.

9)      How long has it been since you have last bought a music magazine?
   I haven't. 

10)   Do you prefer the newer music magazines, or the older magazine companies the most and why?

Newer, more up to date. More sophisticated.

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